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Pamela S. Henderson M.D. > Procedures > Ears & Nose > Otoplasty Scottsdale > Otoplasty Risks in Scottsdale/Phoenix?

ear surgery risks cosmetic

Due to the minimally invasive nature of the treatment area, otoplasty procedures are generally considered to have a lower occurrence of side effects than many other cosmetic surgeries. Despite being one of the most highly visible aspects of the head, patients are often able to hide their incision lines in the complex folds of skin around the ear, or behind their hair. Additionally, the incisions are generally made along natural folds and creases inside the ear or hidden along the back portion of the ear.

Although there are always risks whenever the skin’s protective barrier is bypassed, the otoplasty procedure is so safe that it is routinely performed on children. In order to ensure that you are well informed about your situation, Dr. Henderson will speak with you at length about your specific situation and any risks you might face. If  your medical history shows any other indications for possible risks and complications, these will be addressed at length.

Getting Information About Otoplasty Risks in Scottsdale/Phoenix

Though otoplasty procedures can be easily researched at a number of reputable sources online, scheduling a personal a consultation with Dr. Henderson is the best way to discover your unique risk factors. This gives Dr. Henderson the chance to go over the procedure with you in detail, discussing the various ways that your surgery  may be performed to give the best results, with minimally visible incision lines and the lowest possible chance of complications.

Talking to others who have had an otoplasty procedure can often give you a good overall understanding of the process, but may not provide an accurate picture of the potential risks, as these are unique for each patient. In addition, there are several things in each person’s personal history that could contribute to their complication risks.  These things  may include smoking, use of certain medications/supplements, and a family or personal history of bleeding or clotting disorders.

Potential Otoplasty Risks in Scottsdale/Phoenix

The otoplasty procedure carries far fewer risks than other facial surgical procedures, due to the external and isolated nature of the ear anatomy. In addition, by choosing to work with a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Henderson and a highly accredited facility like New Image Plastic Surgery, you further decrease these minimal risks. However, it is good to realize that whether you have an otoplasty or cut your hand peeling potatoes, once the protective barrier of the skin has been broken, there is always a slight chance of developing complications. These may include numbness, tingling, discomfort and infection. 

There are also some potential complications from otoplasty which occur with even less frequency. These may include changes to the overall appearance of the face, such as asymmetry, discoloration and visible scarring. Poor wound healing and allergies to medical equipment may also contribute to these issues. In the case of serious complications, revisionary surgery may be the best course of treatment.

For more information about getting an otoplasty in Scottsdale/Phoenix, or to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Henderson, please visit the contact page.

Photo by Mohammed Nairooz on Flickr.