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Pamela S. Henderson M.D. > Procedures > Non-Surgical Procedures > PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) | facial rejuvenation | PRP Scottsdale

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) | facial rejuvenation | PRP Scottsdale

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) – facial rejuvenation

PRP Scottsdale

PRP is a new treatment that uses the body’s own platelets to cause healing and rejuvenation of tissues. You may have heard of this treatment, as several celebrities have recently chosen it as part of their cosmetic facial care. Sometimes used as part of a “Vampire Facial” (so called because it uses part of your body’s own blood in the treatment), PRP has received a lot of attention in various fields of medicine for its ability to speed healing.

What is PRP?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. This substance is made from your own blood. The plasma is the liquid component of your blood, and platelets are small particles that are involved in blood clotting. Using your own blood, the red and white blood cells are removed by centrifuging the blood (spinning it very fast, so that the heavier things like cells settle to the bottom). This leaves the plasma, with platelets dissolved in it. The platelet-rich plasma is then injected back into your body.

What conditions can be treated with PRP?

PRP can be useful for a variety of conditions. It’s widely used for skin rejuvenation, particularly on the face. Those with fine lines and wrinkles, changes in skin tone, and dark circles or bags under the eyes may benefit from PRP. Mild volume loss can also be treated with PRP, although more severe volume loss would be better treated with fillers.

This treatment has also been used in a variety of fields of medicine. For example, in orthopedics, it’s used for tendon and muscle injuries and arthritis, as well as to speed healing of an area after surgery.

What is the treatment like?

When you come for your PRP treatment, a sample of your blood will be taken. Only a small volume is needed. Your blood will be centrifuged for a few minutes to separate it into its components. Once it’s ready, you will then receive your PRP injections. A numbing cream will be applied, to keep you comfortable during the injection process.

How many treatments will I need?

Although one treatment with PRP will provide some visible improvement, it often takes multiple sessions to get the results that you’re looking for. For most conditions, three treatments are recommended. Treatments are usually spaced about one month apart. Once the desired results have been achieved, some people choose to have maintenance treatments once or twice a year.

What are the risks of PRP?

The main risks of PRP are bleeding or infection at the injection sites. The risk is very low when the treating provider is well-trained and using good sterile technique. Some patients also experience irritation of the skin in the days following the procedure, as the body’s healing response is stimulated. This is temporary, but may be unsightly or uncomfortable.

Because PRP uses your body’s own blood as the treatment, there is no risk of an allergic reaction. Those with sensitive skin or who have had allergic reactions to other skin treatments in the past may choose PRP for this reason.

Can PRP be combined with other treatments?

It’s common to use more than one treatment modality simultaneously, in order to achieve the results the patient is looking for. PRP is often used along with other treatments. For example PRP plus microneedling is a popular combination for those looking for facial rejuvenation and to tone and tighten the facial skin.

A procedure commonly known as the “Vampire Facial” involves using PRP along with hyaluronic acid fillers. The hyaluronic acid may act as a scaffold, on which the tissue growth caused by PRP can occur. This can help to add lost volume back to the face, along with toning and tightening the skin, for a more complete facial rejuvenation.

Is PRP right for me? Learn more about PRP Scottsdale

To determine which treatments would be right for you, you’ll need to consult with a qualified professional in the field of cosmetic surgery. Dr. Henderson will be happy to meet with you. She’ll learn about your goals for your appearance, examine you, and then offer her professional advice about your various treatment options. You’ll have all of the information you need to make the right decision for you. To schedule your appointment, please contact our office.