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Pamela S. Henderson M.D. > Procedures > Eyes And Brows > Brow Lift Surgery Scottsdale > Brow Lift Risks in Scottsdale/Phoenix?

Brow Lift Risk Scottsdale PhoenixMaintaining good communication with your cosmetic surgeon is the best way to minimize your risks of complications during a brow lift procedure. Giving your full medical history during your consultation can help Dr. Henderson understand and anticipate any potential risks you might face. Good communication is also essential in making sure that you have prepared for your procedure in the best way possible, minimizing the possibility of complications occurring.

Though there is a certain amount of risk in any surgical procedure, brow lifts possess fewer risks than other cosmetic procedures due to their minimally invasive nature. Depending on the technique used, certain brow lifts (such as the even less invasive endoscopic brow lift) have even lower incidence of complications.

Getting Information About Brow Lift Risks in Scottsdale/Phoenix

In your first consultation with Dr. Henderson, she will be happy to go through all of your potential risks, including ways to reduce them, such as smoking cessation. You will be able to detail your goals and wishes for the procedure, and Dr. Henderson will determine which brow lift technique best meets your needs. This is an excellent time to address any questions and concerns you might have about your upcoming procedure.

Important risk factors to discuss with Dr. Henderson include any current medical problems or medications, as these may contribute adversely to your results, and may even cause complications during the surgical procedure. Smoking, alcohol use and other drug use is critical information to share at this stage in the preparation. Any family history of bleeding or clotting disorders is also highly relevant, as this may indicate previously unknown risks.

Potential Brow Lift Risks in Scottsdale/Phoenix

The decision to work with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Henderson and an accredited facility like New Image Plastic Surgery is an important step toward lowering your risk of complications. However, even patients choosing minimally invasive procedures like the brow lift are at some risk for mild complications, such as bruising, discomfort, itching, numbness, swelling, discoloration and fluid accumulation, though these issues are generally just temporary. 

Other complications which may occur far less frequently include complications from the anesthesia, bleeding around the incision areas, infection, damage to the nerves of the face, persistent pain, poor wound healing, and blood clots. Other rare situations include loss of hair around the incisions, changes to the overall look of the hairline, issues with asymmetrical hair appearance, skin loss, changes to the facial symmetry, and unfavorable scarring. In rare cases, another revisionary surgical procedure may be necessary to improve the final appearance. Though these issues are very uncommon, it is good for potential patients to be aware of these risks, so that they can make informed decisions about their brow lift procedure. 

Talking over your concerns about risks at length with your surgeon is the best way to determine if brow lift is right for you. For more information about getting a brow lift in Scottsdale/Phoenix, or to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Henderson, please visit the contact page.

Photo by LeonidasGR on Flickr.