

Natural Results

AquaFirme XS

AquaFirme XS

AquaFirme XS Scottsdale

Although surgical and injectable treatments can offer very powerful results for facial rejuvenation, there are also noninvasive treatments that can get great results. Dr. Henderson is committed to using the latest technology to get the results that her patients are looking for. 

One of the newest noninvasive treatment methods is AquaFirme XS. This is a high-tech, medical-grade facial, which can be customized to your specific skin care needs. What makes this technology so powerful? What can AquaFirme XS accomplish? What does it feel like to get an AquaFirme XS treatment?

What is AquaFirme XS?

AquaFirme XS is a medical-grade facial technology. During an AquaFirme treatment, a handpiece is moved over the surface of the skin. It uses unique technology to help deep cleanse, exfoliate, hydrate, and nourish the skin. This includes:

  • Ultrasound, which uses sound waves
  • Micro-cupping, which provides gentle suction to the skin’s surface
  • CO2 microdermabrasion – the device uses vibration to create tiny bubbles of CO2
  • Spiral motion across the skin’s surface

These various types of technology work together to optimize AquaFirme’s ability to dislodge dirt, oil, and debris from the skin’s surface, as well as to exfoliate, revealing healthier and younger looking skin.

During the treatment, a serum is applied to the surface of the face. These are plant-based, and are created using ancient Ayurvedic knowledge along with decades of accumulated scientific research, in order to find the specific products that will produce results. The serums include plant secretory factors (substances produced by plants) along with plant extracts (created by using liquids to extract specific substances from the plant itself), and are alcohol-free, so they won’t cause drying of the skin. 

Various serums are available, allowing your treatment to be customized to your specific skin care needs. They may act as antioxidants to protect skin from damage, increase hydration, decrease inflammation, and/or remove toxins and impurities from the skin. Our patients enjoy knowing that these treatments are all-natural and very safe, yet formulated to provide powerful results.

The ultrasound, micro-cupping, and CO2 microdermabrasion provided by the handpiece help the serum penetrate into the skin’s dermal layer. The serum can be applied to the surface of the skin, and will still provide results when used this way. However, AquaFirme XS helps the serum to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, which enhances the results.

What can AquaFirme XS do for your skin?

AquaFirme XS can be used to address a variety of different skin concerns, including:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Pigmentation changes
  • Uneven skin texture
  • Acne
  • Oily skin
  • Dry skin

AquaFirme XS is gentle enough to be used even on the eyes and lips. In addition to the face, some people choose to receive AquaFirme on the neck, chest, or hands – areas that commonly “give away” someone’s age after years of accumulated sun exposure.

What is it like to have an AquaFirme XS treatment?

A single treatment can take anywhere from 30 to 75 minutes. Your treatment will be personalized, in order to meet your specific skin care needs. You’ll simply lay in a chair with your eyes closed, while your technician applies the serum and uses the AquaFirme handpiece across the surface of your skin.

The biggest advantage of AquaFirme is that there’s no discomfort associated with the treatment. Our patients report that receiving it feels like getting a massage, and they actually look forward to it. There’s absolutely no downtime associated with an AquaFirme treatment.

How many AquaFirme XS treatments do you need?

A single AquaFirme XS treatment will give immediate results. However, to get the best results, a series of treatments may be recommended. Our patients often receive three treatments, spaced about a month apart. Some people may need four to six treatments to get the results that they’re looking for. You can then have maintenance treatments periodically, to help maintain your results. Because an AquaFirme treatment is very relaxing, most people don’t mind having a series of treatments.

In addition, because this treatment modality is so gentle, it can be combined with other treatments to help boost your results and speed healing. For example, you could receive injections of fillers and/or botox, to get an enhanced anti-aging effect. You could also receive laser skin resurfacing, microneedling, or a chemical peel along with your AquaFirme XS facial. Because these treatments typically target deeper layers of the skin, combining them with AquaFirme provides a comprehensive treatment of all of the skin’s layers. The anti-inflammatory effect of AquaFirme XS can also help your skin to heal faster from the other treatments. 

AquaFirme XS Scottsdale

If you’re interested in AquaFirme XS, please book a consultation at our office. We’ll discuss the treatment with you, and you’ll have a chance to ask any questions that you may have. If you decide to proceed with the treatment, you can receive it right away.

In addition, during your consultation, you’ll discuss your concerns about your skin’s appearance. This will give you a chance to learn about any other treatments that Dr. Henderson believes would provide the results that you’re looking for. Because AquaFirme XS combines very well with other types of cosmetic medicine treatments, you may want to consider which other treatments you’d like to add in order to get the best possible results. Please contact our friendly front desk staff to book your appointment.